The Apostle Paul calls us Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:7). As followers of Jesus we must allow the Word of God to fill us with it's message of Truth and Grace. In this way, we become a "vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sinning Like Adam and Eve

A while back, the US Supreme Court declared it constitutional for same sex couples to marry.  While I am disappointed with this decision, I am not surprised.  Our society has been under tremendous pressure the past several years to accept the homosexual lifestyle as something natural.  

Leading up to this decision, science had conceded years ago that some people are born with a same sex attraction, which led some homosexuals to insist that "God made them this way".  In recent years, even theologians, biblical scholars, pastors and denominations have opened their hearts and minds to this research and have concluded that homosexuality is a lifestyle that is completely acceptable.  Of course, theologians and Bible scholars have had to perform intricate gymnastics with biblical texts that speak against this lifestyle.  Nevertheless, the old understandings of scripture have been replaced with the new enlightened understanding of the 21st century.  These modern understandings of scripture are guiding many Christians today. 

The cultural and theological trend to accept homosexuality as normal has placed pressure on my own denomination (Church of the Brethren) to accept these cultural trends.  However, as I write this, the Denomination has remained steadfast on its statement that the Homosexual lifestyle is indeed a sin.  Most members accept this stance, while a small minority continues to pressure for change.  A few Congregations anticipated the Supreme Court decision and adopted new Bylaws stating they will not perform same-sex unions, regardless of what State Law says and regardless what Denominational policy may say (if it changes).  This is why some congregations are putting measures in place hopefully to protect them if or when our Government insists that every house of worship and every member of the clergy must grant same-sex couples equal rights and equal access.

In my own Denomination, a group of congregations in the south east passed a resolution which, among other things, states:

We therefore affirm that:

  1. All are invited and welcomed to come and worship the Lord.
  2. Marriage is a God ordained covenant that should be entered into by one man and one woman.
  3. The Southeastern District will not accept performance of same-sex covenants or marriages by its licensed or ordained ministers.
  4. The Southeastern District will not accept the performance of those ceremonies on any property that is a part of the Southeastern District. 
  5. In addition we will not support any materials or anyone promoting the acceptance of the practice of homosexuality as a lifestyle that is approved by God. (source)

Although this is simply a resolution stating boundaries, it didn't take long for some to claim it was hate speech - an accusation that is made against anyone who does not agree that the homosexual lifestyle is perfectly acceptable. One group in my denomination felt it was their responsibility to correct the Southeastern District on their flawed theology, and proceeded to "enlighten" its readers on the proper understanding of scripture (source).

I could spend most of my time tearing apart their interpretation of the Hebrew or Greek text, but instead I would like to raise a few questions of my own.

  1. Why did God feel it was necessary to give Israel Laws that govern their sexuality? I can understand the Laws that speak about honesty, integrity, fairness, and love (Leviticus 19), but if God has created us as the sexual creatures we are, free to express ourselves according to our desires, why place restrictions and boundaries on how those desires can be expressed (Leviticus 18)? Why did God point to the behavior of the world and tell Israel she should not behave this way? More importantly, do those same standards apply today? Did Christ's ministry of love change everything? Did God's standard of holiness change? Did sin go away when Christ died on the cross? If it did, then why do we need to confess our sin in order to be saved? We only need to repent IF God's standard of holiness still applies today. And if it does, then sin still exists - including the sexual sins God mentioned long ago. The only way we can dismiss homosexuality as a sin is to throw out the whole lot, which includes such things as lying, stealing, and deceit. 
  2. Do you think God was completely unaware that some individuals might have a natural same-sex attraction? Do you think the Almighty Creator had no idea some people would be "born" this way? That's what some are suggesting. Some suggest that the Bible does not expressly speak against homosexual behavior, but against violent sexual acts. But if God intended to accept homosexual behavior, why didn't He just say so? Why didn't God, the Author of Creation, say, "violent homosexual behavior is wrong, but not the loving behavior of those born that way". I mean, don't you think God knew that one day this issue would be facing the Church, and provide some clarity for the Church on such an important issue? Why did He not provide some wiggle room? Why did the Sovereign Lord remain mute on this? Is it possible that God actually meant what He said and did not want us performing circus tricks like some are doing? One group says, "There are several ways to approach Leviticus 18:22 in a way that affirms same-sex relations" (source). This is something I just can't get past. If it is our sin that has separated us from God, and God desires to remove that sin and reunite with us, why would He be so vague about sin? Why would someone have to work so hard in order to discover what is sin and what is not? You would think God would be forthright and open so a person might examine their life and recognize sinful behavior. A person should not have to perform literary gymnastics just to discover the truth. 
  3. Is God the author of the Bible, or is it merely the collected writings of individuals down through the ages? If the sexual laws found in Leviticus 18 were simply written by Moses, then I can understand why we would question them. He didn't know what science has been able to prove in our day. However, if God is the author of the Bible, then what He says must be taken seriously. This, I believe is the source of the whole problem. Our society, especially those who call themselves "enlightened", completely disregard the Bible as God's Word. In other words, some Christians today believe the Bible is under their scrutiny, rather than they being beneath the Bible's authority. 
Yes, I believe the Bible must be studied with context and culture in view, but every now and then you read something that transcends culture and time. Every now and then God pulls apart the curtain and shouts to humanity a Truth that cannot be ignored. "Everyone has sinned, and here is a list of behaviors that prove you are a sinner. However, because of My love for you, I will send My Son to die and pay the penalty for your sin. So if you are brave enough to admit you are a sinner and accept the death of Jesus, your sin will be forgiven". That's the main message in the Bible. However, a secondary message, which some today are ignoring, is the call to live a holy life - to be transformed. IF we are indeed saved, then our lives should no longer resemble the World. We are called to be Salt and Light. We are to bear fruit. We are told to let our behavior be excellent before everyone so that they might give glory to God as they see us living in this world but not part of this world. If a Savior leaves you where you are and who you are, from what has He saved you?

If the Bible is simply the thoughts of a person here and there, then we are all lost in hopelessness.  If I can't trust the writings of Moses or Paul as being the Word of God, then how can I trust the writings of John the Apostle, especially when he writes of Christ's words in John 3:16 or John 14:6?  The Bible either IS God's word or it is not.  To select what we want to believe or to make the Bible say what we want is the same sin committed by Adam and Eve.  They disregarded the Words of God and instead decided for themselves what was right and wrong.  And we all know what happened to them.  Why would God do any different for those today who do the same?

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