The Apostle Paul calls us Jars of Clay (2 Corinthians 4:7). As followers of Jesus we must allow the Word of God to fill us with it's message of Truth and Grace. In this way, we become a "vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21).

Sunday, September 14, 2014

When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth - September 14th, 2014 sermon

By Pastor Greg

Listen to this sermon HERE

           When we lived in Shippensburg, a family of Red Tailed hawks moved into the neighborhood.  They built a nest high atop one of our white pine trees.  We became so fascinated with them that we actually built a bench out back so we could sit and watch the birds come and go.  The most fascinating part was watching the adults teach the young how to fly.  The parents would take a mouthful of food to the nest, but not give it to the chicks.  Instead they would fly to another tree, dangling the morsel of food from their mouth.  We watched as the chicks first climbed up out of the nest, then walked to the edge of a branch, and finally made their first attempt at flying.  It was an amazing scene.
          I have always marveled at creation, both the heavens and the earth.  As I look at the wildlife in this world I am amazed at the incredible beauty and diversity of the animals on this planet.  Have you ever stopped to wonder why some creatures were created?  Have you ever wonder why God put them here?  Why make the Armadillo curl up in a ball when it’s scared?  Why put quills on a porcupine but not a groundhog?  And why are emu’s just so darn ugly?
          As I mentioned last week, the fossil record indicates that plant life and animal life began to exist; life exploded into existence (Genesis 1:24-31).  The Bible meshes perfectly with the evidence.  Life began to exist because God spoke.  And what He created was very good (Genesis 1:31).
          As we look at the Creation account in Genesis chapter 1, we see that God prepared the earth to support life, but keep in mind that it was life as He originally designed it to be.  The earth and all that God created was very good, much different than the world we see today.  So don’t try to imagine simply a younger version of what we see in the world now.  The world was different then.  In the world, as it was first created, plants were given for all the animals to eat (“And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life”. Genesis 1:30).  It’s also clear from Genesis that death was not a part of God’s creation.  How else could death become the curse of sin (see Genesis 2:17)?  Adam’s sin caused death, says the Apostle Paul (Romans 5:17).  Because of that sin, that “Fall”, the earth changed.  It was no longer the same earth God had originally created, especially after the flood.  The world which God had created very good became very bad.  In this fallen world the relationship between Man and animals changed (“All the animals of the earth, all the birds of the sky, all the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the fish in the sea will look on you with fear and terror. I have placed them in your power”. Genesis 9:2).  After the flood it appears both Man and animals were now permitted to eat meat (“Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant”. Genesis 9:3).  In Genesis 9:5 God talks about what to do when a wild animal actually kills a human being; implying that up to this point, this wasn't an issue.  Even the vegetation and the soil became a curse (see Genesis 3:17-19). 
So the Genesis story teaches us that before the Fall and before the Flood, Man and animals got along quite nicely.  Both Man and animals were vegetarians, and there was no death.  After the Fall there was death.  After the Flood both Man and animals began eating meat, and both began to fear one another.   After the Flood this world changed, possibly causing things that used to exist to become extinct.  We know this because of the evidence found in the fossil records; records which indicate there used to be some pretty awesome animals that lived on this planet.  Yes, I’m talking about dinosaurs. 
          Dinosaurs always seem to be a big stumbling block when we consider the creation story.  That's because it’s very difficult to clear our mind of what we have been sold over the years.  Most of the dinosaurs depicted in movies are not correct when compared to the fossil record.  Take the blockbuster series Jurassic Park for example. The Velociraptor was actually only 3 feet tall and weighed about 35 pounds; not the six foot terror that chased Doctor Grant all through the visitor’s center.  Most of the dinosaurs were about the size of a chicken.  There were exceptions, of course.  Some of the more famous ones were quite large, but they were just animals, not monsters that terrorize humans.  Dinosaurs were not monsters, they were animals.  
          If we chose to believe the creation account, and that is a choice we will have to make because both Macro Evolution and Creation can’t be true, then God created the dinosaurs.  The Genesis account says that everything that swims in the ocean, walks on the earth, or flies in the sky was created by God.  And since the fossil record indicates that dinosaurs did exist, then God had to have created them.
This is where the Word of God will challenge the fanciful imaginations of Man.  This is where many people stumble and fall away from the creation account because they have been ingrained to believe that dinosaurs existed long before Man roamed the earth.  In order to believe what the Evolutionist tell us, we must deny the entire Creation story as found in the Bible.  But, if you chose to believe that the Bible is true, then what we’ve been sold has been a lie.
          Chose to believe the Creation story and you’ll find that at one point all dinosaurs were vegetarians, as we saw in Genesis 1:29-30.  Dinosaurs could not have existed before Man and simply gone extinct because the Bible clearly states that death was not a part of God’s creation before Man sinned (again see Genesis 2:17).  And Man and dinosaurs probably got along quite well at first, considering that it was only after the flood that things changed (again, see Genesis 9:2).
          I think part of the reason many Christians have a hard time meshing Dinosaurs into the creation story is because we've been led to believe they are not mentioned in the Bible.  This is probably the biggest objection heard over the years.  If God created the dinosaurs, why are they not mentioned in the Bible?  Well, God doesn’t use the actual word “dinosaur” because that is a relatively new word.  But the Bible does talk about Dragons and about two large creatures called Behemoth and Leviathan.  If you’ll turn to Job chapter 40, I think you’ll see a vivid description of two creatures you and I would call dinosaurs (Read Job 40:15-41:34).
          God mentions several familiar animals in Job 39, but in chapter 40 & 41 he mentions two very impressive and immense creatures that you and I don’t know but were apparently familiar to Job.  And honestly, if Job had no idea what kind of creatures God was talking about, the whole conversation would have been pointless.  Job would have said, “What’s a Behemoth, what’s a Leviathan?”  Instead God describes two creatures that look nothing like a Hippo or a crocodile.  And considering that there was fear of these creatures, they must have existed after the flood (again, see Genesis 9:2).
          So, when did dinosaurs roam the earth?  I know this is going to shake the foundation of what we’ve been told, but if we chose to believe in the creation story then dinosaurs were created on day six; the same day Man was created.  And when Man sinned and the earth was cursed, something happened that changed the world.  Something happened that caused the dinosaurs to become extinct.  Perhaps it was the Flood.  Perhaps it was a change in the environment.  We simply do not know.  But what we do know is that dinosaurs did exist at one point in the past.  And it appears we’ve been led to believe something about those dinosaurs that simply is not true.  According to the Bible dinosaurs did exist, and they roamed the earth with Man.  And the two got along at first because things on earth were different back then.  And we know this because that’s what the Bible says.
For too long Christians have made up their minds about dinosaurs based upon what is being sold, not on facts.  Without going into lengthy detail, just consider the petroglyphs we find carved in stone; ancient drawing of dinosaurs etched long before modern archaeology “discovered” the age of the dinosaur.[1]  We are left to wonder how these ancient people knew so much about the dinosaur in the first place.  One can only surmise that they had seen creatures like this (see for more information). 
The main point I’m trying to make here is that the archaeological evidence supports the sudden appearance of animals; many that are extinct, but many which are still alive today.  The archaeological evidence also supports the sudden, cataclysmic destruction of life on the earth.  Yet it is obvious that some life survived.  This evidence does not discredit the Bible.  Actually it confirms just what the Bible says.  But today I also wanted to talk a little bit about the dinosaur.  I have to tell you that if my preacher had talked about dinosaurs when I was a kid, I’d been on the edge of my seat.  When I was a kid dinosaurs and the Bible just didn’t mix.  And it became a big stumbling block for me.  I wish someone would have cleared things up for me back then, which is why I’m sharing this today.

[1] D. Swift, Messages on Stone, Creation magazine 19, 1997

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